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Disconnect to Reconnect -

to the best version of you.

Personal Leadership

Using the practical application of positive psychology, mindfulness, outdoor experiences and ancient wisdom, Paul Tribe​ works with individuals and companies to develop their personal leadership and self mastery. 

Workshops, Coaching, Retreats, Speaking



One thing that has not changed in the history of human existence is the amount of time that is available to us. What has changed significantly is the way that we experience time.

As a result, the experience of work and life for many is one of deficit, scarcity & striving rather than wholeness, depth and fulfilment.


So how do we shift from surviving to thriving, from coping to living authentically as the highest expression of ourselves?


The answer is through Personal Leadership


Ask yourself some important questions:


  • What is most important in my life? What truly matters?

  • Where am I now and where do I want to be? (in terms of how I lead my life)

  • What gets in the way?

  • What is the best version of me and how can I be that more often?  

  • Am I living a life of meaning & purpose?


By considering these questions you have stepped into the realm of personal leadership and stepped out of living on ‘auto-pilot’.


Do you want to keep informed on future events, and receive free inspiration tools for self-mastery to your inbox? 

P.S I only send occasional emails and will never share your information

The Tribe

To inquire about workshops, retreats, consultations or speaking engagements contact Paul Tribe

Tel: +61 424 508 588

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